A Young Settler.
The famous hunter of the plains, "Buffalo Bill" arrived at the Burtis yesterday afternoon, having come forward in advance of the company he is traveling with, in the capacity of a young settler of Scott county. For, as has been stated in these columns before, he was born in Davenport in 1842. His father, Isaac Cody, helped to make the "original survey of the town of Davenport." Bill called upon Sheriff Leonard and Laurel Summers, last evening, and had a long talk with them about his father's career in Davenport. The family lived in LeClaire also for several years. The elder Cody was killed in Kansas in 1856, having removed to that Territory and taken sides with the Free State men.
Bill is tall, slim, and straight, is good looking and wears his hair long. He wears some of the presents Grand Duke Alexis gave him for services on that famous buffalo hunt. He believes he has cousins residing in Davenport, and he desires that if such relatives are here, they will call on him at the Burtis House.