"Buffalo Bill"
is welcome back to London. I beheld him adroitly lasso an Indian and a buffalo in the Earl's Court arena on Monday last, and was glad to see the Hon. William Cody looked as well and had quite as good a seat on horseback as of yore, when he delighted the Queen and the Prince and Princess of Wales and the great London public with his signally fresh and novel "Wild West Show" of American frontier life. The thousands who will flock to the International Horticultural Exhibition at Earl's Court to witness this incomparably interesting Indian show will rejoice to learn that since his recent participation in active warfare against the North American Indians the right hand of "Buffalo Bill" has not forgotten its cunning; neither has the rapid succession of war-dance and racing, fighting and buffalo-hunting, lost one whit of interest under the experienced management of Major Burke and Mr. Nate Salisbury, Colonel Cody's steadfast-eyed partner, who tells me he contemplates taking the "Wild West" to the Chicago Exhibition after the present season in London.