Banquet of the International Society at Earl's Court.
The first of a series of flower shows which it is proposed to hold at Earl's Court was opened yesterday, and will be continued to-day. The exhibits are so numerous and varied that a detailed description of them is out of the question. The spectacle is a magnificent one and should not be missed by the public. A very pretty effect was caused in the arrangement by a large collection of roses, orchids, azaleas, tulips, and plants which clustered around the statue of the Queen near the main entrance. But everywhere the view was charming, while the air was laden with the scent of countless blooms. Among those who exhibited were the Duke of Sutherland, Lord Foley, Sir E. Saunders, Sir J. W. Pease, Sir O. Pigott, Mr. Leopold de Rothschild, and Colonel Thorpe. During the day the band of the Garde Republicaine (80 in number) made its first appearance, and its performance greatly enhanced the pleasure of the occasion.
In celebration of the exhibition a banquet was given last night in a spacious marquee erected in the grounds adjoining the Wild West Show.
Mr. H. E. Milner, F.L.S., C.E., chairman of the Executive Committee, presided, and among the distinguished company were Sir Chas. Tupper, General Sheridan, Mr. Marshall P. Wilder, M. Van Hulle (representative of the combined Chambers of Agriculture of Belgium and Holland), Col. Cody, and M. Le Grand.
Responding for "The Guests," Mr. Van Hulle complimented the society on the splendid success achieved at the show, and said it was a lesson which would not be lost upon their fellow horticulturists on the Continent and that this would be proved at the exhibition which was to take place next year at Ghent.
M. Charlier Le Grand, speaking in French, thanked the company for the flattering reception accorded to the representatives of Belgium.
General Sheridan said if it were true that the man who made two blades of grass grow where only one had grown before was a benefactor of his species, it was also true that horticultural societies such as this conferred benefits upon their fellow man. After all, there was nothing like a blend—(laughter)—and he had observed some rare and beautiful blends in that show. The colours of the very tent in which they were assembled were the result of a blend, though we missed the cross of St. George and the Stars of the United States. If those colours and emblems were blended—England and America—what could they not accomplish? (Loud applause.) He thanked them cordially for the hearty reception accorded to the guests, and looked forward to seeing all of them at the biggest show on earth which would be held at Chicago next year. (Laughter and applause.) Other toasts followed.