In pursuance with a plan which he has formed of gathering together groups of the representative horsemen of the world, "Buffalo Bill" has engaged the services of a number of Cossacks from the Don, who yesterday made their first appearance in the arena of the "Wild West" at Earl's-court. The horsemen are 10 in number, and are led by Prince Makharadze. Unfortunately the laws in Russia against the exportation of horses have prevented them from bringing over their own steeds, and in the absence of their own lithe steppe horses, they have been mounted in this country. They enter the arena singing a quaint Russian song and, tethering their steeds, give some of their national dances. They then proceed to show feats of equitation, which prove them at any rate to be as much at home in the saddle as on terra firma. Some, while their horse is at a full gallop, raise their feet in the air, resting on their shoulders in the saddle, others ride with their face to the horse's tail while the animal is at top speed, and others pick up objects off the ground in a manner which to onlookers is marvellous indeed. In conclusion they charge at full speed, with drawn swords, from one end of the arena to the other. In their brown coats, with black cartridge holders on the breasts, their grey astrachan calpaks, with their Oriental pistols in the waistband, their curved sabres, their peculiar whip with short handle and long thong, these wild Eastern horsemen are quite a change from the cowboys of the "Wild West," and will doubtless prove an attraction in a show which seems as popular as ever.