Buffalo Bill's show at Earl's Court stands the test of revival well; and large audiences have this week witnessed the "Wild West" performance. The Cossacks who have just been introduced promise to supply one of the most popular items in the programme. There are only ten of them in all, and they make their appearance, with Prince Ivan Makharadze at their head, riding slowly and singing a wild but not altogether unmusical chant. They are lithe, supple fellows, and their horsemanship is very remarkable. While flying over the ground, they pick up handkerchiefs and suchlike articles with ease, and appear equally at home whether standing on their heads or riding with face to tail. Dismounting, they treat the audience to a little step-dancing of a lively and interesting character. All they did was well received. Indeed, it looks as though the Cossacks will be first favourites during their stay.