HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION.—The holiday folks on Whit-Monday at the "Floweries" mustered over 45,000, or not much less than the returns for the same day at the Crystal Palace. Four bands played, namely, the Exhibition Band, the band of the Tower Hamlets Volunteers, the Grenadiers, under Lieut. Dan Godfrey, and the band of the Garde Republicaine, consisting of eighty performers. The side shows included the floral maze "Daphne," the performing ants, and other performing animals, entertainments in the theatre, a highly interesting and instructive lecture in the lecture hall, besides organ recitals and the ever-popular switchback. The most popular entertainment, however, was Buffalo Bill's "Wild West," with its Indians, cowboys, Mexicans, crack-shots, and Cossacks, the latter having lately joined the show. Mrs Langtry was seen driving in the famous Deadwood Coach, which is attacked by Indians, and rescued by Buffalo Bill and his gallant cowboys. Performances are promised by a party of Gauchos just arrived from Buenos Ayres, whose feats of horsemanship are said to be equal to those of the Cossacks, which is saying much, as the Russian contingent are the most dexterous riders that have ever been seen in this country. The next Flower Show is due July 5, when there will be held a special display of roses and table decorations.