So Very English.
Her Majesty witnessed on Saturday afternoon a performance given in the Home Park of Windsor Castle, opposite the East Terrace, by Colonel Cody's Wild West Troupe. The program included all the special feats of the American Cowboys, the Red Indians, Mexicans, Cossacks, and Gauchos.—Daily Telegraph.
O would that I a German were Who potentates could toady! I'd like to be a dancing bear, Or a Yankee Colonel Cody. I own no foreign Hippodrome, So can't get on at all; Therefore to me no presents come, Not e'en an Indian shawl. I'd almost be a canny Scot, With instincts Bacchanalian; But he who the best chance has got Is the interesting alien. The Briton's rôle might suit old Ceorge, That Hanoverian skittish ; I vow it raises quite my gorge To think that I am British!