On Tuesday there was a large contingent of Americans who gathered in the early morning hours at the Wild West Show to witness a baseball match between the cowboys and a number of English actors. The game was won by the cowboys, to the delight of the patriotic Americans present. Afterwards a breakfast was cooked by General Williams, and served in the dining tent of Colonel Cody ("Buffalo Bill"). General Williams, besides being an able politician, a brave soldier, and a fine sportsman, is a really scientific cook. The breakfast was a genuine American feast. Spring chickens, fried in cream, American corn, hot corn bread, hash and onions that were a revelation to the uninitiated. Hash and onions sound simple enough, but when hash can be mistaken for nectar, and onions for ambrosia, then to the English cook these become the altogether impossible dishes. Colonel Cody, who is the handsomest man in Europe to-day, sat at the head of the table, Nate Salsbury, who is an inimitable story-teller, at the foot, while Colonel J. P. Ochiltree proposed the toasts. So with these three unique entertainers all went merry as a marriage bell, and the English guests at any rate came away with respect and a dash of envy for American cookery.