The last weeks are announced of the International Horticultural Exhibition, and Buffalo Bill and his Wild West will take their leave on October 12th, sailing for their native shores three days later by the s.s. Mohawk, of the Atlantic Transportation Company, a vessel of 8,000 tons, which has been specially chartered for the occasion. It would be difficult to emphasise too strongly the fact that of its kind the present Wild West Show is the most original and unique entertainment ever got together, including, as it does, troupes of six of the most noted races of primitive horsemen in the world, who daily go through equestrian feats of wonderful daring and ability. Thanks to Col. Cody, London has had the first opportunity of witnessing these rough-riders competing with each other on neutral ground. On Friday and Saturday (September 9th and 10th) there is to be a grand show of autumn flowers—dahlias, asters, gladioli, sunflowers, floral decorations, fruit, etc., for which the entries are on a very extensive scale, insuring a display of unusual importance.