Those who are fond of witnessing feats of dexterity with both rifle and pistol, should not fail to pay a visit to the Aquarium, Westminster, just now. There are appearing there Mr. S. F. Cody (who, by the bye, is no relation to "Buffalo Bill), Lillie Cody, Leoni, aged 12, and little Vivian Cody, aged 10. This clever family of shootists go through a really marvellously smart performance, each feat eliciting rounds of applause. Mr. S. F. Cody's shooting with a Colt's 4.50 revolver, and with a rifle breaking a glass ball at a distance of 300 feet, and little Vivian's shooting whilst standing on the elder Cody's shoulders, hanging by his heels head downwards, and in other difficult and trying positions, particularly calling forth the enthusiasm of the audience.