The Wild West Wilder than Ever.
Additions of a very interesting kind have been made to the program of the Wild West show, and the entertainment yesterday was freshened and made still more attractive. One scene displays the savage sportiveness of the Indian with his captives. Some adventurous white men are caught on the prairie. One of them is made to run the gauntlet of clubs, tomahawks, and six-shooters; and he has a small chance of escape. Another is fixed to a stake and playfully roasted before a slow fire. Before the process goes far, however, Buffalo Bill's cowboys disperse the Indians, and an old chief, who is making off with a white girl, is smartly disposed of by theleader of the rescuers. The other scene shows the Lynch law system in operation. The theft of a horse—most heinous of crimes in the Wild West—leads a party of angry cowboys to chase the thief. Once caught he is promptly slung over a convenient branch, and his dispatch is hastened by a few revolver shots. The rest of the show goes wonderfully well, and is as popular as ever.