The stern administration of Western justice associated with the name of "Judge Lynch" will be illustrated this week at the Buffalo Bill show at Earl's-court. A horse-stealer is to be tried, convicted, and executed in as quick a time as has ever been recorded. By way of a treat to the Indian contingent they are to be allowed to capture a pioneer train, and in imitation to torture their victims as in the "good old days." These attractive additions will not diminish the varied display of bold horsemanship by the Cossacks, Gauchos, Cowboys, Redmen, and others.
The exhibition of abnormal feats is the mainstay of the Royal Aquarium variety program. A gymnast named Akros is now proving that it is practicable to drop head downwards from the roof of the building without using any apparatus. With one hand a gentleman (presumably of Irish descent) named Dan Sullivan lifts an elephant, and the "Lady Samson" breaks strong iron bars and chains, as the announcement runs, "like twine."