Wirth's Circus familiarised many of us with the American cowboy and his Wild West ways. Those persons who wish to make a close examination of the outfit of a Texas cowboy can do so at the shop of Mr. J. E. Evans, saddler, who has imported from America saddle, spurs, bit, and lariat, or lassoo, complete. The saddle has the orthodox high horn, heavy wooden stirrups, and sudaderos, or leg sheaths. No buckles are used on the girths (which are of plaited hair) because the tremendous strain which is sometimes put upon the saddle when lassooing is going on would quickly break them. In place of buckles, however, rings and leather lashings are used. With these it is possible to tighten the girths to any extent. The lassoo is of green hide, and is 50 feet long. The spurs and bit are murderous-looking affairs when compared with those which we use.