It is announced that Europe will not have a chance of seeing Colonel Cody, otherwise Buffalo Bill, after October 12. This is a shock for Europe, which in ordinary circumstances she might not be able to survive; but celebrities, especially if they come from the United States, are so exceedingly prone to repeat farewell performances that I decline to regard the Wild West Show in the light of an exhibition which will vanish for ever when the Horticultural closes its doors.
MAJOR BURKE, of the "Wild West," evidently has in common with many Americans, an overweening belief in John L. Sullivan. In the course of an amusing speech at a convivial gathering at Walham Green on Friday night, he declared that "God Almighty never did or never will make a finer man." Proceeding, he averred that the only man who really beat "John L." was John L. himself; and put forward the claim that, had Sullivan "kept off the licker, " he would still remain the unbeaten champion. "I speak," said The Major, "from personal knowledge of the man, and a kinder-hearted, more generous fellow never breathed on God's earth. Never a man, woman, or child in either State in want of a dollar, or two or three dollars, or a shilling, or pounds, but what found in John L. Sullivan a ready sympathiser and speedy helper; and I maintain, as I before averred, that had he been more circumspect in his conduct, he would be as he was before, a grand, unbeaten pugilist. I knew the man years ago, have known him throughout his career; and all I say I can affirm to be God's truth, conscientiously and without fear of contradiction." The gallant Major was here interrupted by "Mr. Bung" calling "Time!" but, nothing daunted, he pleaded for an "extension" for a few seconds for the purpose of "reciting a little yarn." He started on it, but the "chucker-out," by turning out the gas, somewhat disconcerted him; but only for moment. hen he said, "Wall, if I carnt finish it hyar, I guess I'll conclude the yarn on the walk outside!" Such was the gist of the worthy Major's peroration, and given in the pleasing Yankee twang, and embellished with flashes of racy American humour, he succeeded in entertaining his audience if he did not convince them of the grandeur and nobleness of John L. Sullivan. It is nice to hear a man champion a friend, of course, but we over here have also had opportunities of judging "J. L.," and, sad to relate, he has not always come out with a flying record in some of his transactions, both private and public.