On Saturday evening Colonel Cody (Buffalo Bill) was the recipient of an illuminated address form the London Working Men's Association, who met at the Horticultural Exhibition for that purpose. Mr. George Potter, the President of the Association, read the address; and in a few manly and eloquent words, Colonel Cody acknowledged the compliment which had been paid him, and expressed his regret that the absolute necessity for commencing preparation for his exhibition at the World's Fair would compel him to bring his entertainment to a close on the 12th inst. Several speeches were made, Mr. Wilson, the Secretary of the Association, proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Salisbury, Buffalo Bill's business manager, and Mr. Wigington, the Treasurer, doing the same to Major Burke. In his reply, Mr. Nat Salisbury observed that Britons should be proud of their Queen, who commanded the respect of womanhood throughout the world, adding that when one woman respected another, we might be sure that the honour was deserved. Major Burke, in returning thanks, remarked that when Her Majesty witnessed the Wild West Show she graciously saluted the American flag when it was brought into the arena, a circumstance which had powerfully affected millions of Anglo-Saxon descent in the United States. Lieutenant Dan Godfrey was present at the meeting, and said a few words in reply to Major Burke. The members of the Association afterwards witnessed the Exhibition in the arena.