There is so much excellent material in this much-talked-of-and-loudly-advertised show that it is a great pity it should fail to make its mark for lack of efficient direction. It may be better in the daylight, but certainly at night half the "features" of the show are blurred. The attention is constantly distracted by the arrangements of the arena instead of being focussed. The loudest applause of the night is reserved for Miss Annie Oakley, because her shooting entertainment is clever, precise, and dramatic. The vast audience feel a relief at witnessing something that they can follow and understand from start to finish. There are millions of dollars in the Wild West if there is a little more "management" in the arena. The British public has of late years been accustomed to have its entertainments worked up to the highest pitch of excellence and dramatic effect, and it now looks for perfection of detail as a matter of course. Colonel the Hon. William Buffalo Cody should ask his friend Irving to give him a hint or two. He will see the value of my advice long before his stay at Earl's Court comes to an end.