Frank Richmond, for several years connected with Buffalo Bill's Wild West exhibition as "orator" and director of the performances, died in Barcelona, Spain, on Tuesday, Jan. 2. He was remarkable for his wonderful voice, which for power and carrying qualities has rarely, if ever, been equalled. He was exceedingly popular with his principals, Cody & Salisbury, and made himself a favorite with all with whom he came in contact, in this country and in Europe. The Prince of Wales and other members of the British royal family held him in high esteem, and the Queen of England presented him with a marble bust of herself in recognition of the pleasure he afforded her by his interesting description of the various features of the exhibition on the occasion of her visit to the Wild West in London. Mr. Richmond was the son of the late Dr. Twitchell of Brooklyn. He was about 42 years of age. He was, previous to his connection with the Wild West, an actor of ability, having been at various times connected with several leading companies.