Buffalo Bill Pictures.
That there is a merry war on in the film game may be evidenced from the fact of contention over the Buffalo Bill Wild West pictures. There are two kinds — Carl Goldenberg offers a set of pictures and along comes Pat Powers of moving picture fame (needless to say that Mr. Goldenberg, until very recently, was for years prominently identified with Pathe Freres).
Mr. Goldenberg offers a set of slide pictures taken while the Wild West-Far East was at Madison Square Garden and afterwards on the road. Every picture is colored and each shows some scene in action. Mr. Goldenberg was fortunate enough to catch Col. Cody with the camera in many unique positions — none of which have ever been reproduced in print. The set numbers twenty-five slides and range the entire show from beginning to end.
From the opening to the finish the interest is maintained. Every detail stands out clearly; there are pictures of bucking bronchos, the attack on the stage coach, the greatest of Indian pictures showing Iron Tail, chief of the Ogallola Sioux and many other Indians who at one time fought Buffalo Bill.
These pictures were not taken hurriedly; out of nearly six hundred negatives used, these were selected as being the best — those really showing the great Wild West as it really is. From start to finish the interest is never permitted to lag — always something doing — something of particular interest.
Mr. Goldenberg is quite sure that the slide pictures will be a sensational hit — every one shows action and each is taken with particular care to please the patrons of moving picture theaters.
There are only two chances to see Buffalo Bill — if he has played your city he will never come back and if he hasn't here is the best way to witness the performance, away from the dust and the excitement. In the twenty-five slides that Mr. Goldenberg puts out you will see the entire show just as it is playing to-day.