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Category : Images

533 results

In the Studio
1902 Images Visual Art
Indian Canoe Scene
circa 1893 Images Poster
Indians of North America
1936 Images Poster
Iron Tail
1916 Images Poster
Iron White Man, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Je Viens
1889 Images Poster
Joe Black Fox
circa 1898 Images Illustration
Joe Little Moon and Rosa Little Moon
1935 Images Photograph
John Little Elk
Images Photograph
John Little Elk's Vest
Images Photograph
John Nelson with wife and four children
circa 1890 Images Cabinet Cards
John Painted Horse
circa 1909-1913 Images Photograph
John Y. Nelson and family
1886 Images Cabinet Cards
Julie and Jenny Nelson
circa 1892 Images Cabinet Cards
Käsebier studio, Sioux Indians drawing
circa 1898 Images Photograph
The Killing of Yellow Hand
1906 Images Visual Art
Kills Close to the Lodge, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
La Rana nel Wild West
1906 Images Poster
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers in Brussels
1891 Images Photograph
Lakotas Demonstrating Breaking Camp
1891 Images Photograph
Le Poney Express
Images Poster
Letter, Käsebier re: Mary Lone Bear
circa 1898 Images Photograph
The Life I Love
1902 Images Visual Art
Lillian Smith
1888 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Little Bull
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Chief
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Chief
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Finger, tipi behind
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Lizzie Long Wolf
1883-1916 Images Cabinet Cards
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