Office of Lincoln Land Company
Rooms 33-36, 1241 O Street
Lincoln, Neb.
C. H. Morrill, President.
A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice.
(Enc stmt-drift-voucher)
Jan. 20, 1904. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 78 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir:--We hand you herewith statement of business transacted with respect to the property in Cody, Wyo., held jointly by the Lincoln Land Co., and certain interests, which you/represent as trustee, for the six months ending Dec. 31, 1903, which statement shows a balance due as net proceeds, for the one half interest, which you represent, of $1,393.78, for which amount you will find herewith New York exchange, for which please sign and return the accompanying voucher.
I trust that you will find the statement satisfactory.
Yours truly, ABMinorSec'y.
Enc stmt-draft-voucher.

Office of Lincoln Land Company
Rooms 33-36, 1241 O Street
Lincoln, Neb.
C. H. Morrill, President.
A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice.
Received Jan 28-/04 9.A.M.-
Answered Jan 28 1904
R B Camp for Bronson Rumsey
(Missent draft-Cody)
Jan. 26, 1904. Mr. Bronson Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir:--Yours of the 23rd inst., returning draft, erroniously sent you, is received. We are obliged for your promptness in returning it. On the 20th inst. we intended to mail to you statement of the joint business with respect to the Cody property, with check and voucher for $1,393.78, in payment of the net proceeds, but from the fact that another check and voucher, for the settlement of another account, was sent you, we infer your papers were sent astray. Please let us know if you got a statement. We have written other parties to ascertain about the miss-sent draft.
Yours truly, ABMinorSec'y

Office of Lincoln Land Company
Rooms 33-36, 1241 O Street
Lincoln, Neb.
C. H. Morrill, President.
A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice.
En. check and voucher.
Feb. 2, 1904. Bronson Rumsey, 78 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir:Yours of the 28th ult., is received, and in accordance therewith I hand you herewith New York Exchange, your order for $1,393.78 in settlement of the account with respect to the Cody town site company, in accordance with statement, which you have.
Please receipt and return voucher, and oblige,
Yours truly, ABMinorSec'y.
Enc. check and voucher.

Statement of business transacted at Cody, Wyoming, by the Lincoln Land Company, with respect to the one-half interest of Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, for the six months ending December 31, 1903.

Lincoln Land Co.
Statement - Jan. 1 1904
Note: Document includes three transcribed business letters and image of transaction statement. View image of six-month financial statement ending December 31, 1903, for full display. Handwritten by Bronson Rumsey, page 5: "Lincoln Land Co. Statement - Jan. 1. 1904 $1,393.78"