I thought sure you would let me know how you made out with Mr Haggard [3] . I seen him. and he. said he liked your work and would write you. I want you to do the illustrateing. And I am here writeing about 9000 words a day and would like to talk over the illustrateing. But as you dont write me. I dont know who the illustrator will be [4] —
Love to all ColYou might write a few lines to
16. Ferdinand Place
New Rochelle
Note 1: This letter was probably written in 1916. Other Cody letters dated 1916 mention "Mr. Haggard" (see note 3 below). [back]
Note 2: Robert Farrington Elwell (1874-1962). [back]
Note 3: "Mr. Haggard" is very likely Sewell Haggard (c. 1879-1928), an editor who then worked on magazines owned by William Randolph Hearst. [back]
Note 4: In the last year of his life, William F. Cody worked on an autobiography to be published in installments by Hearst's Magazine. Cody tried to persuade the magazine's editors to hire Elwell to illustrate the series, but the job went to N.C. Wyeth instead. [back]