Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
Date: September 7, 1895
Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President.Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.
Altoona Sep 7th [1]
Dear George—
Yours 5th to [simple drawing of hand] [2] allright. No I dont see how Cody City can get a long without a gin mill & Bob [3] would be a Dandy. only he would keep me full all the time. But as you dont drink it would make no difference to you— Now George— Dont over look a thing wire me from Sheridan about joint stock Co— Let me know about contract for our land from State Land Board and Interior Dept— We must make no mistakes. or we will be laughed out of the Country. I depend on you to guard our interests. I trust you. dont fail me—
Your Pard
Note 1: The year is not inscribed by Cody but is 1895 as determined by the Routes List: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Altoona, Pennsylvania, September 7, 1895. [back]
Note 2: Cody makes a simple drawing of a hand to indicate that Beck's letter of September 5th is "in hand." [back]
Note 3: "Bob" is unidentified. [back]
Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
Source: University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Buffalo Bill Letters to George T. Beck (Acc. #9972), ah031285-86
Date: September 7, 1895
Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
Topic: Buffalo Bill's Wyoming
People: Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943
Place: Shoshone Irrigation District (Wyo.)
Sponsor: Supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, a program of the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.
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