Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury. Vice-President & Manager.
of the World.
John M. Burke. General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
July 7 th 96 My Dear Beck—
I dont know whether I am doing this right or not or whether you can understand it. So I want you to answer me at once and let me know. If I am wrong I will correct it. Annother thing I fear without you have a good functional reliable man to handle the sales of water rights Lots &c— Our co sooner or later will have trouble on their hands that they cannot say lets pocket the losses and let it go. But it will involve not only our company into endless trouble but the purchaser and the state, and finaly the government— So I wish you would please let me know who has charge of this department.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury. Vice-President & Manager.
of the World.
John M. Burke. General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
William Sweeny [2] $200.— to pay on his $160. first payment and $1 of $160. and $40 to go to the state. George. Berch [3] — $200. same as Sweeney.
The $100 check is to pay the State charges on the lands of William Snyder [4] Louis H. Baker. each 160 acres $40 each— and $20 to pay on M. F. Polhamus [5] 80 acres— The $160 each from Snyder & Baker and the $80 Polhamus charge to me personaly . as the company owe me they can give me credit for it. And I will take chances on collecting it from Snyder Baker Polhamus.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury. Vice-President & Manager.
of the World.
John M. Burke. General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
Please have this answered fully & at once—
Yours Very truly W. F. CodyP.S. Please show this to any of the company who are there. if its not right I will correct it—
I sent H. C. Alger Treasurer $3000 to day as per his telegram of yestarday—
W. F. C.Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Springfield, Ohio, on July 7, 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "Springfield, Ohio. / Tuesday, July 7. Arrived in town at 5 A. M. Two-mile haul to lot. If ever Anderson prayed for still weather he did to-day. We could not get a stake down over twelve inches anywhere and the least wind would have blown us down, but with our usual good luck we came out all right. Refreigo Carrello, a Mexican, was thrown in the grand entree to-day; his left shoulder was badly hurt and sprained and he received a lot of small bruises and was badly used up. Master-Mechanic Dan Taylor left to-day for Columbus, Ohio, to get the grounds ready for our next Monday's engagement. / Business at both performances good. / Lot, Columbus and Isabell streets. / Arena, 182 x 368." [back]
Note 2: "Sweeney" is William Sweeney (1856-1917), a cornet player who organized and directed the Cowboy Band in Buffalo Bill's Wild West, remaining with Buffalo Bill's Wild West from 1883 to 1913. [back]
Note 3: "Berch" is George Burch who was Chief of Cowboys for Buffalo Bill's Wild West in 1896 and later. [back]
Note 4: "William Snyder" is William "Okie" Snyder (b.1856), one of Cody's men and a cowboy in Buffalo Bill's Wild West during 1896. [back]
Note 5: "M. F. Polhamus" is not fully identified but was likely also a member of Buffalo Bill's Wild West. [back]
Note 6: Edward R. Goodman was the agent for the members of Buffalo Bill's Wild West for whom Cody was reserving land parcels. [back]