Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Big. Rapids. Mich [1]July. 20 th 98 My Dear Beck—
Your letter of the 13th sent Manistee [2] forwarded here. Its too bad about the Dam washing out, as Gen. Manager. you should bar cloud bursts. Well it cant be helped. And you done perfectly right In repairing the damage and getting water to the farms and Cody. As soon as possible. I hope you have pushed the work. I know the importance of getting the water quick. I will send Alger $200. and will ask Salsbury to do the same. Also the other stock holders [3] . Keep me posted—
Yours hastly W. F. CodyP. S. I fear the mill will have to hold over annother year—
W. F. CNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Big Rapids, Michigan, on July 20, 1898. [back]
Note 2: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Manistee, Michigan, on July 18, 1898. [back]
Note 3: "Stock holders" are the directors and investors of Shoshone Irrigation Company. [back]