Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Liverpool— [1]May. 15 th / 03. [2]
My Dear George
How are they coming? Hope you are well and happy. I have had a tough time with a sprained ankle and shoulder. and the worst weather England ever had— and thats saying a heep. Have been looking for your report for quite a while. Would like to know about the Shoshone Irrigation Co— business. how the New Canal is. how much land sold &c. If you will have money to meet the Hearsts [3] interest &c—
With Kind wishes Yours truly W. F. CodyNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Liverpool, England, May 4-23, 1903. [back]
Note 2: The date inscribed is May 15, 1903. [back]
Note 3: Phoebe Apperson Hearst (1842-1919) was the wife of California senator and Comstock Lode magnate George Hearst. The Hearsts provided an indemnity bond of $30,000 at 7.5% interest for the Shoshone Irrigation Company project. [back]