The New Hoffman House, Madison Square, J. P. Caddagan, Manager.
New York,
Did you do anything about a petition to the President [2] about the high line canal [3] ?
I will play Washington [4] May 18th & 19th. And if I can do anything by seeing the President let me know. I would be pleased to have a letter from you.
The old Wild West will open the 21st.
Yours truly W. F. CodyNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in New York, N.Y., from April 21 through May 9, 1908. [back]
Note 2: In 1908 Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States. [back]
Note 3: The High Line Canal (later named the Heart Mountain Canal): Envisioned in 1897 by Elwood Mead, this high-elevation gravity canal would irrigate the north side of the Shoshone River in the Big Horn Basin. However, the canal was not built until 1942, when it became necessary to supply the World War II Japanese Internment Camp at Heart Mountain. [back]
Note 4: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Washington, D.C., May 18-19, 1908. [back]