The Cheyennes and the Regular Troops Come Together Near Missoula, Mont.
The Indians Were Driven Back, Leaving Three or Four Dead Braves on the Field. It Is Believed Not to Be an Outcome of the Ghost Dances—To Fight Injuns.
CHICAGO, ILL., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—The Tribune this morning has the following special:
MISSOULA, Mont., Nov. 26.—A fierce battle is in progress between the United States regulars and northern Cheyenne Indians near Fort Keogh, Mont. The department has ordered three companies of Fort Missoula troops to the scene of the trouble. Advices from various points say that lively skirmishing is in progress all along the line, that the Indians have been driven back and that three or four of the reds have been killed. The cause of the trouble is not stated. It is believed that the difficulty has nothing to do with the ghost dance but was probably an attempt of the Cheyennes to release by force Indian prisoners in jail at Miles City.
Chadronties Want to Exterminate Indians, Arms, Troops and Militia.
CHADRON, Neb., Nov. 26.—[Special.]—At a mass meeting of the citizens of Chadron and Dawes county, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, with instructions to forward a copy of them to the commissioners of the various counties contingent to the great Sioux reservation, requesting them to pass resolutions of a like character and forward the same to their representatives in congress and United States senators, secretary of war and interior.
Whereas, It is the public information that at this time quite a large body of United States troops has been ordered to, and stationed at Pine Ridge, Rosebud and Standing Rock Indian agencies on the Sioux reservation by the government for the purpose of preventing, or suppressing an Indian outbreak, and
Whereas, We, citizens of the state of Nebraska, living near the borders of the great Sioux reservation, know whereof we speak, and
Whereas, At the invitation of the government, we have purchased our lands from it, paid our money therefor to it, and established our homes upon said lands with the implied assurance of government protection, and
Whereas, The frequent recurrence of threatened Indian outbreaks is a source of alarm, resulting in injury, loss and disaster to us, individually and collectively, retarding the further settlement and development of all the country bordering upon or adjacent to said reservation, thereby depreciating and jeopardizing our property, and virtually defrauding us of vested rights;
Therefore, be it Resolved, That we respectfully demand of the government that such steps be taken at this opportune time, as shall effectually dispose of the "Indian outbreak" subject on the Sioux reservation, and restore to the citizens the confidence the government may demand of him.
Resolved, That the allowing of thousands of savages to be "armed to the teeth" in the center of a sparsely settled agrarian state, is a condition improvident and unreasonable.
Resolved, That the leaders and instigators of criminality in savages, should receive at the hands of the government the punishment the law provides for traitors, anarchists and assassins.
Resolved, That in our judgement the exigencies of the occasion demand nothing short of the complete disarming of the Indian, and making it a crime for any person to furnish him with arms or implements of war; and we respectfully suggest that the shortest route to the satisfactory settlement of the question would be to deprive the savages of their horses, substituting therefore oxen trained to the plow.
F. S. Little,W. Rucker,
R. S. Ricker,
A. C. Putnam.
It is safe to say that the above resolutions as a whole voice the sentiment of the majority of the people living adjacent to the great Sioux reservation, as these periodical Indian scares are of an incalculable damage to the northwest.
Another thing that struck the citizens of Dawes county very forcibly was that a few days after the troops began to arrive at Rushville the people got alarmed and flocked to Chadron for protection. They telegraphed for arms, and in response General Cole of the Nebraska national guards telegraphed to Lieutenant Burk to have his company in readiness for action. The boys left their farms and their work and took up quarters at the rink. They stayed up several nights, and had guards out protecting the city in case of any outbreak. Of course they were put to a good deal of trouble and expense, and wanted to know of their commander where their pay was coming from. He telegraphed to Colonel Bills and he advised them that there was no money for that purpose. So the boys, after expending $4 or $5 each, disbanded and went to their respective homes. It will be remembered when the Burlington & Missouri laborers demanded an increase in wages and struck for the same how quick the Nebraska national guards were dispatched to protect the property of that gigantic corporation, but when the men's lives and property who paid $30,000 or $40,000 to maintain this same militia, are in danger, it seems they cannot have their assistance. Possibly the state militia are simply maintained for an ornament and dress parade. People here think the first act of the next legislature should be to do away with Mr. Cole and his men.
Many here think that the present turbulence among the Indians was caused by the action of the Indian bureau toward the Indians in cutting down their beef ration 1,000,000 pounds per annum, in changing the mode of issuing the beeves and the rules regarding visiting among tribes. These are some of the causes.
Before their rations were cut at all they were half starved.
He Considers the Rumored Battle in Montana a Fake.
CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—General Miles was seen tonight with reference to the dispatch from Missoula, Mont., stating that a battle had occurred between the United States troops and Northern Cheyenne Indians.
"I have not heard anything official concerning this report," said the general, "and in the absence of official information I am not inclined to believe the story."
Today General Miles received a telegram from General Brooke, in which he says: "The Indian chief Little Wound came in to Pine Rock yesterday, and every hour seems to lessen the strength of the disaffected Indians. Short Bull of the Rosebud agency has also come into the agency and his people, about 500 lodges, numbering nearly 2,500 Indians, are reported as also coming toward the agency. Short Bull is one of the worst and most treacherous chiefs in the northwest. I have strong command, and am ready for summary action at a moment's notice."
A telegram was received by General Miles from Judge C. C. Rice of Martin, N. D., saying: "I desire to address the head of the government in regard to the danger we are in here from the Indians. The government sends out men to investigate; they see no Indians, and go away thinking there is no danger, while old Indian scouts and men who have lived among the Indians and can talk with them, say there is danger.
"In behalf of the people and myself, we ask that something be done that troops may be sent in sufficient numbers to protect us until this craze has passed away." General Miles will leave for Washington tomorrow, to be absent not longer than three or four days.
He Will Visit Sitting Bull and Find Out His Plans.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—A Bismarck, N. D., special to the Tribune says: Buffalo Bill arrived this afternoon, accompanied by his old pard, Frank Powell, known as "White Beaver," and R. H. Harlan, known as "Pony Bob," who once rode 10[?] miles in eight hours and ten minutes. Special conveyances with relays were engaged to take the trio to Standing Rock agency where Buffalo Bill has a commission from General Miles, which is believed to be the most important of any issued since Sitting Bull surrenderd. The party will go directly to Sitting Bull's camp on the Dead river. It will be remembered that Sitting Bull did not come in on Saturday, regular ration day, but sent word to the agent that his child was sick. It is believed that Buffalo Bill is sent out to get at the bottom of the Messiah craze with almost unlimited authority to act. This is Buffalo Bill's first visit to this section since the Custer massacre.
Going to the Scene.
CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—The Tribune special from St. Paul, Minn., at 2 a. m. says: Two companies of the quota at Fort Keogh are on their way to the scene of trouble in the Dakotas and three companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry. The colored regiment is to move eastward tomorrow from Missoula. Whether its destination is Fort Keogh or Fort Yates is not known. The northern Cheyennes have been ugly for the last eight months and twice have murdered white settlers. Four or five of the murderers are in jail at Miles City awaiting trial. The impression prevails here that the Indians, finding Fort Keogh practically without troops, have made an attempt to rescue the men at Miles City and have been repulsed with bloodshed.
A Rumored Invasion.
STUART, Neb., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—A report reached this place yesterday afternoon that several hundred Indians had left the reservation and were then camped on Burton creek in the east part of Keya Paha county, their destination being the Niobrara river east of the Carnes bridge, where they were to be met by a band from the lower reservation. A courier has been dispatched to see if the report was correct. If the Indians are found as reported, the commanding officer at Pine Ridge will be immediately notified to remove them back onto the reservation. The settlers are considerably alarmed here over the situation, but if they were armed they would keep the Indians back without asking assistance from the government.
Do Not Believe It.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 27.—[Special.]—At the headquarters of the department of Dakota no news of a reported battle with Indians near Fort Keogh has been received this morning and it is not thought that there is any truth in the report. Lieutenant Woodruff stated to the United Press reporter that the Cheyenne Indians near Fort Keogh are all friendly and have asked for permission to fight against the Sioux in case the latter should go on the war path. Most of the Cheyenne Indians in the neighborhood [?] Fort Keogh have been enlisted in the [?] of the government. Lieutenant Woodruff says if there had been a fight yesterday the department here would have been advised of it before this time.