Business with shrewd and affable Mr. Nate Salsbury calling me a few mornings since to the camp, I profited of the opportunity to pay my respects, with a Belgian friend, to pretty Miss Annie Oakley whose genial smile and hearty greeting showed us we were welcome. Her natty costume, lithe figure, pearly teeth and keen, farseeing, beautiful grey eyes "fetched" my friend at once. Meanwhile Miss O. fetched us her magnificent collection of medals and jewelry, presents from Royal and noble donors. We particulary admired the large gold medal of the "London Gun Club," bearing an inscription from the Prince of Wales. Various handsome gold and enamelled medals from different U. S. gun clubs, and a large medal in silver (oxidized) from the "Société Nautique" of Lyons, the extraordinarily beautiful design and artistic finish of which stamped it as a French production. Also in the collection of jewelry, a lovely shawl broach, representing a bat in moonstone with oustretched wings in gold, a valuable broach (saphire, garnets and pearls set in gold) from the Princess Gisella, daughter of the Empress of Austria. A bracelet, gold and diamonds from Prince Luitpold, Regent of Bavaria. "Bonnie Bessie" was wearing an elegant broach (diamonds and gold), presented to her by Baronesses Rothschild and Oppenheimer of Vienna on the occasion of Miss Oakley's performing for a charity and handing over to the poor the purse of gold which was offered to her.