Title: Untitled [A Lady who has been on a visit]

Periodical: Central City Colorado Daily Miners Register

Date: May 5, 1868

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A LADY who has been on a visit to her sisters at North Platte, arrived here by the cars on Thursday. She reports North Platte to be in a fearful condition and that the indians virtually have possession of the town. They go into stores and houses and demand goods, and the inhabitants dare not refuse them. The day before our informant left a band of indians, nearly 1000 strong, came in and altogether there were over2000 in the town and vicinity. All who can possibly get away are leaving as fast as possible, the prevailing impression being that the indians mean to "clean out" the soldiers and sack the town. The indians from the Republican and the Smoky Hill country appear to be mustering in strong force on the line of the U.P.R.R. - Argus.

Title: Untitled [A Lady who has been on a visit]

Periodical: Central City Colorado Daily Miners Register

Date: May 5, 1868

Keyword: Native Americans

Places: North Platte (Neb.) Smoky Hill River (Colo. and Kan.)

Sponsor: This project is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Geraldine W. & Robert J. Dellenback Foundation, and the Center for Great Plains Studies.

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