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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: September 15, 1895
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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Childs & Son, Utica, N.Y.

Cortland House.
All Rooms Warmed By Steam.
Delos Bauder, Proprietor.

Dear George.
I expected a letters here to day from You and Heck. Telling me what you had done. Did you get a secretary? If so let him write me I know too well what poor letter writers you and Heck are. I sent Curley [2] to George Bleistein from Elmira Say George, I know you dont like Hymer— But he is a pusher. And thats the kind of men we want with this big job. And one can   catch more flies with molasses than with vinegar So pat him on the back— Say did you send the stock for Bleistein. Salsbury & Myself? Do you know what Heck done with the Transportation Co [3] at Sheridan. I got a wire from Paxton & Gallagher [4] & from Smith & Co— [5] of Omaha. Asking me to guarantee Heckarts orders for supplies and furnishing goods which I did. I wish some one would keep me posted on matters at that end. So I would know what is being done— And then there will be no mistake and I can understand and help to protect our credit  


Childs & Son, Utica, N.Y.

Cortland House.
All Rooms Warmed By Steam.
Delos Bauder, Proprietor.
Cortland, N. Y. ______ 189__

You did not write me as you promised and explain all about the co— That point that I wanted to know about being a Stock Co— And if any of the old co— can give us any trouble. And if the State Land Board is going to give us a contract for our land & if you settled with Ryan and his partner about their water right. You know we broke our contract with   them by not paying them when we agreed to— and they can make us dance to their music if they choose to. I know old man I am over nervous about these things. But we have got our friends into this. And we must protect them. Our everlasting reputation is at stake. All our energy & what brains we posess must be brought into actions Nothing must be left undone— George— I look to you to attend to this until I can get there to help you—

Write me often. Do keep me posted— Tell Heck to write me—

Your friend & pard W. F. Cody

Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Ithaca, New York, on September 14, 1895. There was no Sunday performance on September 15th. [back]

Note 2: "Curley" is unidentified. [back]

Note 3: The transportation company in Sheridan was owned by Cody and known as the W. F. Cody Transportation Company. [back]

Note 4: The Paxton-Gallagher business became renowned for its wholesale groceries, including Butternut coffee. The Paxton & Gallagher Wholesale Grocery Company was founded in 1879 by William Paxton and Benjamin Gallagher. Gallagher was a grocery man, and operated a series of companies all along the Union Pacific railroad route. [back]

Note 5: M. E. Smith & Co. was a wholesale dry goods business located in Omaha, Nebraska. The company began in 1868 and was acquired by the Bryne-Hammer Co. in 1925 for $1,830,000. [back]

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