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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: September 25 [1895]
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.

Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.

My Dear George
Oh if I could get just one hour of quiet rest I am flooded with callers so near N. Y. Say George let me hear from you. Canfield [3] wants me to build a cheap Hotel for and he to run it at the Springs [4] — But I think the Co should be interrested and the Hotel [5] built in Town & pipe water but I cant tell. Will you post me? George— Salsbury & Bleistein suggest the streets be named after Leading Generals union & Southern armies. And wide streets & high License to keep out cheap gin mills— How much lumber can that little saw mill furnish. You ought to contract for the lumber you want for headgate  


The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.

Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.

And we must build some kind of a house for headquarters.

But ceartainly you are attending to these things—


For K Christ hire some one to write me

Note 1: Newark, New Jersey. [back]

Note 2: The year is not inscribed by Cody but is 1895 as determined by the Routes List: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Newark, New Jersey, on September 25-26, 1895. [back]

Note 3: Cody incorporated the W. F. Cody Hotel Company in 1894 and purchased the inventory of the Sheridan Inn in Sheridan, Wyoming, making him one third owner with Sherman Canfield who managed both the Inn and the W. F. Cody Transportation Company. [back]

Note 4: Cody had many ideas for developing the springs located on the western edge of Cody, Wyoming. The "Springs" became known as DeMaris Springs after Charles DeMaris (1827-1914), who filed for and received water rights at the site to build tourist facilities there. [back]

Note 5: The Irma Hotel had its grand opening on November 18, 1902, and remains a prominent landmark in the town. [back]

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