Accessible By Electric and Cable Cars To All Parts Of The City.
The Carrollton
J. P. Shannon, Manager.
Baltimore, Light & German Sts.
2 letters from You. go up head— None from Heck. I sent Alger $2.500 and will try to keep him in funds. You must let me know about how much money you will require each month and about how much it will cost to build the ditch to Sulphur creek
[2] — And about how long it will take to do it. Bleistein Says he thinks ODay
[3] will come in with us. Now shall I try to get any more men in on ground floor. Salsbury Says if you
Accessible By Electric and Cable Cars To All Parts Of The City.
J. P. Shannon, Manager.
Baltimore, Light & German Sts.
Baltimore, Md. _________ 189___

Accessible By Electric and Cable Cars To All Parts Of The City.
J. P. Shannon, Manager.
Baltimore, Light & German Sts.
Baltimore, Md. _________ 189___

Accessible By Electric and Cable Cars To All Parts Of The City.
J. P. Shannon, Manager.
Baltimore, Light & German Sts.
Baltimore, Md. _________ 189___
Will we get snowed in. will you have a house for us— if we bring our own whiskey. I must find out these things before I bring them. dont fail to answer—
Wonder what Heck done with Transportation Co— When he left Sheridan. he never writes a word— well if he pushes on the ditch I will let him off—
BillNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Baltimore, Maryland, September 30-October 1, 1895; there was no performance on Sunday, September 29, 1895. [back]
Note 2: Sulphur Creek is a natural streambed located west of Cody, Wyoming, flowing north toward the Shoshone River along the south side of Cedar Mountain. [back]
Note 3: Daniel O'Day (c.1846-1906) was the vice-president of the National Transit Company and one of the five principals of Standard Oil Company. O'Day's greatest achievement may have been engineering the transfer of the oil-carrying trade from the Empire Transportation Company to the Erie Railroad. O'Day was instrumental in laying the first oil pipeline in the state of New York in 1873, building the first pipelines from the oilfields to New York City. O'Day acted as president and/or director of many budding banks and oil-related companies. Mr. O'Day was a close personal friend of John D. Rockefeller and George Bleistein. [back]
Note 4: Cody asks about naming "streets" or "tracts" after both Union and Confederate Generals. In a previous letter dated September 25, 1895, Cody also refers to naming streets in the first planned town site, and the initial plats of the town of Cody in that original location show the streets named for generals. In the town site's later and current location, the main street of Sheridan Avenue, named for General Philip Sheridan, is the only street honoring a general; the principal east-west streets were and still are named for founders of the town. [back]
Nope 5: "Nailor" is likely Colonel Allison Nailor, Jr. (1836-1908), from Washington, D.C., who was a friend of Cody's and with him on Cody's trip to the Grand Canyon in 1892. Nailor and others were expected to join Cody on the hunt that he was planning for December 1895. [back]
Note 6: "Prest Perkins" would likely have been Charles Elliott Perkins (1840-1907), then president of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. His son is referred to as "Young Perkins Son." In Cody's time, the term "president" was often written as "prest." [back]
Note 7: Henry Guy Carleton (1813-1901), the oldest son of Major General James H. Carleton, became a noted American humorist, journalist, author, playwright, and an amateur inventor of the 19th century. [back]
Note 8: The hunt Cody was planning for December that year. [back]