Rough Riders from Everywhere and a Host of Military Heroes.
Never before in the history of Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders has its success been so pronounced as during the present season. This can be accredited in a measure to the unique general characteristic of the entire entertainment, which is, in every respect, different from any other show presented to the public. One strong feature which has been added materially to the drawing qualities of the exhibition is the timely production of the Battle of San Juan Hill. The details of the original being so recently and firmly impressed upon the minds and hearts of the American people that they welcome the enterprise of the management of the Wild West in affording them an opportunity to see this wonderfully realistic representation of that infamous battle and at the same time allow them to give expression of their patriotism almost directly to the many scores of heroes of the Spanish-American War. The audiences attending the Wild West have been of an exceptional character and have included among their numbers nearly every prominent soldier and civilian in and about New York, and the enthusiasm of sedate old men has been as great as that of the small boy perched in the topmost chair in the gallery. Other features that have added new interest to the entertainment is the putting on exhibition of representatives of our new island possessions, both from the West Indies and the Pacific Ocean.
Col. Cody (Buffalo Bill) is an active in his part of the exhibition as ever before, and his every appearance in the arena is a signal for large expression of approval from all parts of the house. The sharpshooting of Johnnie Baker and Annie Oakley, the rough riding of the Cossacks and soldiers, the tumbling and pyramid building of the Arabs, the " broncho busting" of the cowboys, the lasso throwing of the Mexicans, the bolas pitching of the Gauchos, the peculiar peace and war methods of the Indians—all remain interesting items of the program and are, if possible, better this season than ever before.
The Wild West and Rough Riders will give two performances at West Side Park on Friday, May 19.