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  • Title: Buffalo Bill Going to Europe
  • Periodical: Ogdensburg Daily Journal
  • Date: September 16, 1886
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Buffalo Bill Going to Europe.

Buffalo Bill has worked hard during the long season and needs a rest. The Indians are desirous of returning to the west, and the cowboys are anxious to get out on the plains, hence the season must soon terminate. Mr. Cody and Mr. Erastus Wiman [1] are now taking down on special steamboats thousands of poor and homeless boys from New York and Brooklyn, providing each boy with lunch. Mr. Cody and Nate Salisbury have secured six acres of space at the American exhibition in London, and will take over the entire outfit, consisting of 240 Indians, Mexicans, cowboys and assistants, and more than 150 Indian ponies, Mexican mustangs, buffalos and all appliances to illustrate frontier life.

Note 1: Erastus Wiman (1834-1904), businessman and partner in the firm of Dun and Wiman (later Dun and Bradstreet), was a promoter of railroads and commerce and developer of electricity on Staten Island, New York. [back]

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