Gen. Miles, Col. Cody and Others See War Waged on Picture Screen
"They Are Historically Correct," Comment of Retired Head of Army.
Chicago, Jan. 22 — Time turned in its flight a quarter of a century today, and a score of gray-haired military chiefs, from every part of the country, watched themselves fighting again the last of the Indian wars, leading the charge, routing the red-painted savages and closing an epoch in history.
There was Gen. Nelson A. Miles in the audience, silent and erect, watching Gen. Nelson A. Miles revisiting the front following the grand surrender.
There was Colonel Shunk in the audience, intent and interested, watching Colonel Sickels skirmishing over the Battle of Wounded Knee.
And General Stewart and Colonel Kingsbury, eyes half closed, while the stirring scenes before them passed their minds, more clearly perhaps than on the screen were there.
But the figure that sat the straightest and watched the closest was the figure of Col. William F. Cody, "Buffalo Bill," part owner of the films, which he assisted in preparing for the archives of the war department in Washington.
It was the first exhibition of the William F. Cody historical pictures by which will be preserved the history of the country in the moving picture film. They will be shown next week before President Wilson and Secretary of War Garrison.
The exhibition today was given in the rooms of the Essanay company. After the arrival of the notables the place was darkened. The war of the Bad Lands was flashed on the screen, and the click click of the movie machine arose.
In the audience were Generals Miles, Baldwin, Wheaton, King, Stewart, Colonels Shunk, Baker, Kingsbury, McCarthy, Kimball and McDonald; Major Ray, Captain Billingsleg, Cylde Vry, H. H. Cruss, W. L. Parks, Milward Adams, F. G. Bonfils, Colonel Cody and Lou Houstermann[?].
Before the gaze of the army veterans was flashed the famous Bad Lands of the Dakotas and over the hills in the distance were riding again the regulars led by the self-same heroes who fought in the original uprising, and most of them were present in the room. Scene followed scene from the Bad Lands scuffle to the territory that witnessed the battles in the war of the Messiah.
"Now we're coming to the battle of Wounded Knee," whispered Buffalo Bill.
On the screen the Sioux braves sitting on the ground suddenly sprang to their feet.
A volley blazed out from their weapons. The battle followed, advance, retreat, the Indians finally driven into the ravine of Wounded Knee, fighting every inch of the way, with the army chiefs in the room leaning forward in their chairs, as interested as any of them were a quarter of a century ago.
When the battle finally was over another reel was put on. General Miles tugged at his white mustache and smiled severely.
"They're historically correct," he said. "Just as they happened."
"Seems like yesterday," Buffalo Bill chuckled.