Two More Passengers on the Saale Than Started—Some of Buffalo Bill's Indians Back Also.
The Bremen steamship Saale [1] landed in this port yesterday 177 saloon and 752 steerage passengers. The Saale's trip was an exciting one in one particular. A few days after she left Southampton a stranger boarded the ship. The intruder was a bouncing boy, and in consequence of the way in which he came on board the ship he secured his passage gratis. The next day a little lady came on board the ship the same way.
The ship's doctor made as comfortable as possible these children of Neptune until the ship arrived at this port, and they were placed in Uncle Sam's care. Dr. Gutieres insisted on keeping the sea-born bits of humanity, and their mothers, under his care for awhile before they should encounter the bustle of life, and Gen. O'Beirne insisted on detaining the native Indians who were on board.
These said they were of the Sioux nation and of the La Toka tribe, [2] and were on their way from Buffalo Bill's show, now in London, to their home in the Red Cloud Pine Agency. [3] They had passes all the way through and money to pay expenses. They were tired of Buffalo Bill and wanted to get back to Dakota. They gave their names: Eagle Horn, Blue Rainbow, Little Lamb, Running Creek and Kill-his-Pony.
Finally all the Indians were allowed to land except Kill-his-Pony, who is in a most critical state of health. While with the Buffalo Bill show a month ago Kill-his-Pony fell and broke his hand. Blood poisoning has now set in. Kill-his-Pony is [?] years of age. The Indian was sent to Bellevue Hospital, where he will remain for treatment.
Note 1: The Bremen steamship Saale sailed from Leipzig, Germany, with five Indians from Buffalo Bill's Wild West on board; the ship landed in New York on June 14, 1890. Four Indians were permitted to disembark: Eagle Horn, Blue Rainbow, Little Lamb, and Running Creek. Gravely ill, Kills His Pony was sent to Bellevue Hospital where he died of blood poisoning on June 17, 1890; his body was returned to the Pine Ridge Reservation. [back]
Note 2: Lakota Indians. [back]
Note 3: Red Cloud Agency was originally located in Wyoming Territory and then in Nebraska; in 1878 it was relocated to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. [back]