He Was One of Buffalo Bill's Indians and Was Fatally Hurt By a Fall.
Otakte, the young Dakota Indian who was sent from the Barge Office to Bellevue Hospital on Saturday, died there on Tuesday night. He was attended in his last hours by the Rev. Father Craft, by whom he was converted to Catholicism several years ago at the Pine Ridge Agency. Gen. O'Beirne, assistant superintendent of immigration, sent a despatch to Buffalo Bill, who is at Leipsic, notifying him of Otakte's death and asking him if he would defray the expenses of sending the body to Otakte's tribe. Buffalo Bill answered that he would. Interpreter George C. Crager will superintend the city end of the funeral to-day. The mourners will be Gen. O'Beirne, Father Craft, Interpreter Crager, and Hank Clifford, [1] who married a squaw of Otakte's tribe. Clifford will accompany the body to the Pine Ridge Agency.
Otakte died of blood poisoning. His horse fell on him while he was performing with the Buffalo Bill show in Germany, and his right arm was crushed and he was badly injured internally.
Note 1: Hank Clifford is not further identified. [back]