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  • Title: Opening of Buffalo Bill's Show
  • Periodical: Paisley Daily Express
  • Date: November 17, 1891
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Buffalo Bill's famous and novel show was thrown open to the people of Scotland last night, and the spacious building, as was expected, was well filled. In the lengthy programme, there is revealed a living picture of the chief features of pioneer life in America, and by means of the large company of performers—about 180 horses, mustangs, and buffaloes, effectively arranged tableaux and panoramic scenery—the Indian life in the far west is produced in most realistic fashion. Throughout the entertainment there are agreeable interludes of cowboy fun, Tyrolean singing, Indian dancing, gun and revolver shooting, and a clever piece of whip-cracking by Buffalo Bill. Amongst the most notable scenes are the prairie fire, the Custer massacre, and the cyclone effect. The performance is, without doubt, one of the most interesting and instructive that may be seen, and we are sure many Paisley folks will pay it a visit.

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