"CHARGING THUNDER" SENT TO PRISON.—In Sheriff Birnie's chambers on Tuesday "Charging Thunder," of the Wild West Show, pleaded guilty to having on 31st December assaulted George Crager, one of the interpreters at the show, by striking him on the head with an Indian club. Mr F. R. R[i]chardson, addressing the Court on behalf of the prisoner, said his client was only 23 years of age, and usually one of the quietest members of the show, but, like all other Indians, the slightest amount of drink was sufficient to infuriate him. On the night referred to "Charging Thunder" entered a public-house and asked for lemonade (Colonel Cody having warned the publicans against giving the Indians drink), and by some mistake whisky was put into it. When he returned to the show he became very much infuriated, and during the performance raised a club (not a war club) and stuck the interpreter with it. He did not entertain any malice whatever towards the interpreter; indeed, they were friends. The Sheriff asked where the shop was in which the liquor was supplied. Prisoner replied (through the interpreter) that it was in Duke Street, but he did not know whose it was. The Sheriff said if "Charging Thunder" had not been a stranger he would have sent him to prison for a long time, but as he was a stranger he would make the term of imprisonment short. He would be sent to prison for 30 days, and it was to be hoped this would be a warning to others. It was a shame to supply these Indians with whisky.