The International Horticultural Exhibition is a pronounced success. The great secret of this is the beauty of the grounds, the excellence of the bands, the effectiveness of the illuminations, and the opportunity for enjoying the open air. Even when watching the Wild West Entertainment, though under cover as to roof, there are the coolness and freshness of the open air to be enjoyed. By the way, it was interesting to see Mrs. Langtry volunteer and go as a passenger in the Deadwood Coach to be attacked by Indians and rescued by Buffalo Bill and his gallant cowboys. The actress looked very pretty and blushed very much. The contingent of Cossacks brought over to try issues with the cowboys in the art of riding are fine looking fellows. Their dress—consisting of long pelisses down to their heels of red brown homespun, long Russia leather boots dyed black, breeches, vests, and turbans like their long outer garments, the turbans bound with grey astrakhan, and with cartridge belts slung across their shoulders and revolvers in their belts—is very picturesque. It is intended to get up competitions in riding skill for all nations, which will surely draw crowds.