TO THE EDITOR OF THE "ARMY AND NAVY GAZETTE."SIR,—In justice to the famous Cozack Regiments, whose Hetman (Chief in Command) is the Tsarevitch, I beg you will kindly permit me, through the medium of your columns, to protest that the eleven Russian horsemen at the above-mentioned show are not Cozacks, and that neither their dance nor the wild, discordant wail which they make have any resemblance to the lively and graceful dance and the melodious songs of the Cozacks. I spent a great part of my twenty years' life in Russia among the troops, and I have seen the dances and have heard the songs of the Russian soldiers and Cozacks, and I speak, therefore, from my impressions as an eye-witness. On being questioned by me the men at the show confessed that they were not Cozacks, and said they were Lisgins (a tribe in the Caucases), and that they were not, and never had been, in any military service. Their peculiar accent and unmistakable gestures, as well as certain movements in their dance, created a strong suspicion in me that they are Caucasian Jews.—I am, Sir, yours very faithfully,