On Sunday last an interesting and novel garden party was given by his Excellency Dr. Nin, the Minister for Uruguay in London, to a few friends at his residence in Windsor. The principal object aimed at was to present an idea of the mode of cooking employed by the Gaucho of the South American pampas, about whom we hear so much at the present time. A Gaucho, from the Wild West show, kindly came down to assist in the cooking of the luncheon, which consisted of a half lamb and a large piece of Uruguayan beef. In a corner of the garden a tripod was erected over a wood fire, and the meat hung over and roasted in true primitive fashion. The guests watched the process of cooking with great interest, and during its progress a most delicious and savoury smell pervaded the grounds.
About half-past one the Gaucho cook announced the completion of the roasting, and from that moment all became excitement and expectation. The meat was brought from the fire and hung on a large stake before the principal tent. Immediately drawing a large knife, the Gaucho set about cutting up both the lamb and the beef into small pieces, during which operation he displayed a dexterity and skill which could only have been acquired by long practice. The host then invited his guests to bring their plates and help themselves to any morsels they might desire. The invitation was readily accepted, and the picture thus formed of the Gaucho, in his quaint and picturesque dress, kneeling in the midst of an eager and happy assembly of distinguished-looking Europeans, abandoning all form and ceremony for the nonce, was as pleasing as it was original.
The host and hostess, upon whose faces was reflected the most supreme contentment at seeing their friends fall into their idea with such evident gratification, redoubled their efforts to make everybody feel perfectly at home. Everybody being seated, the Gaucho took up his guitar, and played and sung some quaint national airs, among them an improvised song describing his native land. It was rendered with great feeling, and the poetry, though wild-sounding, was beautiful in its sentiment.
Luncheon over, and everybody having expressed their appreciation of the taste of Uruguayan beef, most of the guests formed themselves into a circle round the Gaucho, and listened to his pretty sentimental songs, accompanied by himself on his beloved guitar; and even those who could not understand the words, expressed their admiration of the music in very warm terms. The grounds were most tastefully laid out and the weather was all that could be desired. All who were present appeared to enjoy themselves thoroughly during the whole afternoon, and must have certainly carried away with them the memory of having spent a most agreeable, as well as instructive afternoon.
Among the guests were Sir Henry Simpson, Her Majesty's Veterinary Surgeon; Mr. Brown, Mayor of Windsor; Dr. Ellison, Physician to the Queen's Household; Dr. Williams and lady; Councillors Dyson and Peter; Mr. Hoddinott, manager of the London and County Bank; Mr. G. S. Martinez and lady, Mr. Raggio Carneiro, Mr. Presilla, Mr. J. Villegas, Commander Denham, R.N., and lady, Rev. Longinotto, Mr. Sardá, Miss Pintos, Miss Darvil, Mr. Dastis, from Liverpool, and Mr. I. Palacios, the Gaucho.