There has just been buried at Brompton Cemetery a veteran OgallalaSiouxIndian named Long-Wolf, who died at St. George's Hospital on Saturday last of old age. He was the oldest Indian in the camp of Buffalo Bill's "Wild West," and had seen much active service in the real Wild West of America. Dr. Maitland Coffin, the medical attendant to the Camp and Horticultural Exhibition, says that he was a complete mass of gunshot wounds and sabre cuts. His last military experience was in the late Sioux War. It is not generally known that among the Indians who take part in the performances of the "Wild West" are 11 prisoners of war, who were released upon the understanding that they were to leave the country under the custody of Colonel Cody and his partner, Mr. Nate Salsbury. One of the prisoners is a woman. The horses for the use of the South American Gauchos, who will shortly take part in the equestrian performances of the arena, have just arrived from Buenos Ayres, under the care of Mr. Daniel Kingsland, a well-known horse agent. They were brought from the interior of the country about 200 leagues from Buenos Ayres, and the voyage to London lasted 40 days.