The Clever Female Champion Slays Forty-seven Out of Fifty Pigeons.
The pigeon shooting match between Miss Annie Oakley, the female champion, and J. W. Graham, the English champion, at Camden, N.J., yesterday, attracted considerable interest. The contest was at fifty live birds, under the Hurlingham rules. The weather was beautiful and the large crowd present enjoyed the sport.
In the betting Graham was a slight favorite, but the young lady had numerous supporters. The birds were fast flyers, and the contestants, who were in the best of condition, had to empty a second barrel very often to bring the pigeons down. Miss Oakley had splendid command of the gun, and some of her shots were applauded by the spectators. Graham did well in the early part of the match, but fell off toward the end, and was finally forced to submit to defeat. The score was:
Killed. | Missed. | Total. | |
Oakley | 47 | 3 | 50 |
Graham | 45 | 5 | 50 |