Theodore Wharton's Big Job.
The executive brains of the big Essanay production of the "Life of Buffalo Bill," at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, are mainly under the hat of Theodore Wharton. To him has been entrusted the enormous undertaking of handling several thousand troops and Indians, and as many horses, to say nothing of handling the Colonel himself, who is said to have all the ways of a prima donna. Several other producers have attempted to film the life of B. B., but with indifferent results, mainly on this account. Therefore, if Theodore gets away with it, which he undoubtedly will, he will earn further glory for himself as a top notch producer. It is estimated that this production will cost $100,000, the magnitude of which is described in a letter from Mr. Wharton, that has come lately to this office, as follows:
"I am in the Bad Lands of South Dakota, hemmed in on one side by the U. S. Army and on the other by the Sioux Nation. I will have to fight my way out, or in other words, reproduce the last Indian Wars, historically correct. I will be assisted in this by Buffalo Bill, Generals Miles, Baldwin, Mans, King, Col. Sickles, and all surviving officers of those wars, as well as hundreds of troops and Indians, also all surviving Scouts and Indians. A more wonderful sight you cannot imagine. As I look from my tent I see hundreds of teepees stretched over the hills on one hand, and the camps of soldiers on the other. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the production, I will say that we are using more than 1000 horses in the production, and this is not a press agent's estimate either.
"Some job for little Willie, eh? It will either make or break yours truly. My one regret is that I will be unable to see the Moving Picture World for several months. It is like losing my best friend."