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752 items found for search term shoshone irrigation company
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Buffalo Bill Negatives Not Destroyed
"...Powers Picture Play Company..."
"...Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company..."
"... Picture Play Company, in the issue of June 17th, it was stated that the negative of the Buffalo Bill Wild..."
"... of prints of the Buffalo Bill film destroyed, which had been made by the Powers Company upon order from..."
Canfield, Sherman D., 1865-1939
".... Canfield was superintendent of the railroad facilities for the Union Stockyards Company in South Omaha..."
"... in the W. F. Cody Hotel Company and managed the Sheridan Inn in Sheridan from 1893 to 1896. Cody..."
"... third owner with Sherman Canfield who managed both the Inn and the W. F. Cody Transportation Company. ..."
Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1907, Lincoln Land Company
"...Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1907, Lincoln Land Company..."
"... you herewith statement of business transacted by the Lincoln Land Company at Cody for the six months..."
"... the statement that there is a balance of $66.49 due this Company from you as trustee. Yours very truly, ABMinor..."
"... Sec'y. Enc. stmt. CLB Statement of business transacted at Cody, Wyoming, by the Lincoln Land Company..."
Telegram from H. M. Gerrans to J. M. Schwoob, Cody Trading Company, August 1, 1913
"...Telegram from H. M. Gerrans to J. M. Schwoob, Cody Trading Company, August 1, 1913..."
"... Form 168THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY/ Incorporated25,000 Offices in America.Cable Service..."
"... to All the WorldThis Company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages only on conditions limiting its liability..."
"... by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable..."
Quit-claims Deed, January 1902
"..., The LINCOLN LAND COMPANY, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska..."
"... LAND COMPANY to the said Bronson Rumsey conveying the above described premises, which deed bears date..."
".... In Testimony Whereof, the said LINCOLN LAND COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed by its President..."
"..., countersigned by its Secretary, and the corporate seal of the Company to be hereunto affixed, this seventh day..."
Business letter from C. H. Morrill to Bronson Rumsey, December 20, 1902
"... Office of the Lincoln Land Company,Rooms 20 to 23, Burr Block.Lincoln, Neb.Removed to Rooms 33-36..."
"... print on which I have indicated all of the lots that were sold or given away by the Old Townsite Company..."
"... or given away by the old Company on which deeds have not been issued up to this date. The five lots..."
".... The number on which the deeds have been issued up to date without consideration to the New Company is 159..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 23, 1895
"... Service to All The World.This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting its..."
"... only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold..."
"... the message is filed with the Company for transmission.This is an Unrepeated Message, and is delivered..."
"... (later Mayor of Sheridan), J. R. Phelan, George T. Beck to form the Sheridan Fuel Company on lands..."
General Release of George Bleistein from Cody Trading Company
"...General Release of George Bleistein from Cody Trading Company..."
"... TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME: KNOW YE, that The Cody Trading Company, a corporation..."
"... in writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, on the day of May, 1917, the said, The Cody Trading Company, has caused..."
"... Company] CODY TRADING COMPANY, By Bronson Rumsey President STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF ERIE: SS: CITY..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to A. W. Woods, May 2, 1902
"... Postal Telegraph-Cable Company in connection with The Commerical Cable Company. Design Patent Dec..."
".... 20-1887. Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated) in connection with the Commercial (Mackay..."
"... The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions..."
"... Parts of the World. Design Patent, Dec. 20 - 1887. Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated..."
Buffalo Bill in Universal Pictures
"...101 Bison Company..."
"... has been written by Hugh Weir, well known magazine writer, for the 101 Bison Company, and upon which..."
"... of the sawdust ring he was preparing to produce. A day or two later McRae took his company into Los Angeles..."
"... of the 101 Bison Company were in the scene and several others that were taken, and all were enthusiastically..."
Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1914, Lincoln Land Company
"...Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1914, Lincoln Land Company..."
"... Correspondence to the Company)Charles E. Perkins, PresidentA. B. Minor, Vice-PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y..."
"... Company, with respect to the property owned jointly at Cody, for the six months ending December 31st, 1914..."
"..., showing a balance of $1415.58 due the Lincoln Land Company. Very truly yours, W. W. Turner Secretary. Enc..."
Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1913, Lincoln Land Company
"...Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1913, Lincoln Land Company..."
"... Correspondence to the Company)Charles E. Perkins, PresidentA. B. Minor, Vice-PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y..."
"... Company, with respect to the one-half interest held by you, as Trustee, at Cody, for the six months ending..."
"... December 31st, 1913, which shows a balance due this Company of $1269.72, for which we will be pleased..."
Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company to Sue Col. Cody and Maj. Lillie
"...Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company to Sue Col. Cody and Maj. Lillie..."
"...Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company..."
"... Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company to Sue Col. Cody and Maj. Lillie A damage suit is about..."
"... Film Company, of New York, for alleged proceedings which they deem injurious to their business. On June..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Flood, May 22, 1896
"... or livestock handler employed on the irrigation project; his exact role is not known. ..."
Business letter from W. W. Turner to Bronson Rumsey, July 14, 1913
"... To The Company)Charles E. Perkins, PresidentA. B. Minor, Vice-PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.F. N..."
"... Land Company, with respect to the half interest in property owned joint with it, at Cody, which you..."
"... Land Company of $1180.86. If it is possible, we would like to receive a substantial payment..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, February 3, 1896
"... The Postal Company's System Reaches All Important Points In The United States and British America..."
"..., And via Commercial Cables, To All The World.Form 2.--For Type Writer Use.Postal Telegraph-Cable Company..."
".... In Connection with the Commercial (MacKay-Bennett) Cables. TELEGRAMThis Company Transmits and Delivers messages..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to Julia Cody Goodman, September 1882
"... The Western Union Telegraph Company This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only..."
"... and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of Unrepeated..."
Letter from G. W. Holdrege to C. E. Perkins, July 30, 1900
"... of occupying the Shoshone or Stinking Water Valley beyond the 110 mile point was subsequently explained to you..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, March 10, 1899
"... the Shoshone River near Cody. Note 3: "Flats" refers to acreage in the South Fork valley south of Cody, Wyoming..."
Buffalo Bill Pictures Coming
"...Two Bills Company..."
"...The Powers Company..."
"... BUFFALO BILL PICTURES COMING. The Two Bills Company, of New York, which was recently incorporated..."
"..., will soon be heard from. A competent photographer and stage director have been traveling with the company..."
Gen. Nelson A. Miles Writes Story of the Great Conspiracy
"...Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company..."
"...Union Pacific Railroad Company..."
"... proportion of the money received from the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company for the right of way..."
"... through the Arapahoe and Shoshone reservations in Wyoming, and thence via the Union Pacific railroad..."
Untitled [The Denver News received a telegram]
"... towns springing up around there. One is being built by the Big Creek Land Company, of St. Louis..."
"..., and is called Hays City. The Company are bringing 50 families from New York State to settle as farmers..."
Carbon copy of letter from Cody Trading Company to George Bleistein, May 22, 1913
"...Carbon copy of letter from Cody Trading Company to George Bleistein, May 22, 1913..."
"... for possibly a week or 10 days. As soon as I get it will send it along. Yours truly, CODY TRADING COMPANY..."
Schwoob, Jacob M., 1874-1932
"... as manager of the Cody Trading Company, a prominent local business. By 1920 Schwoob was sole owner..."
"... of the Cody Trading Company. Schwoob was active in republican politics, and was elected treasurer of Cody..."
Holdrege, George Ward, 1847-1926
".... Holdrege rose steadily through the company's ranks, holding a series of increasingly responsible posts..."
"... in Iowa and Nebraska. By 1882, he was general manager of the company's Omaha office. Until his retirement..."
Besieged Cowboys
"... Calhoun Printing Company, Hartford, Connecticut..."
"... Company, Hartford, Conn., 1885. The scene is probably based upon a Remington composition..."
Perils of the Cowboy
"... Courier Company Lithography Department, Buffalo, New..."
"... 1902 by the/Courier/Company/Lith. Dpt./Buffalo/N.Y., Printed at top: Buffalo Bill's Wild West..."
Telegram from John M. Burke to John H. Tait, May 24, 1914
"... Form I T. W.The Great North Western Telegraph Company Of CanadaConnecting With The Western Union..."
"... Telegraph Company24,000 Offices In North America. Cable Service To All The World.This company Transmits..."
"... for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in the transmission or delivery..."
"... in writing within sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, May 12, 1896
"... Service to All The World.This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting its..."
"... only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold..."
"... the message is filed with the Company for transmission.This is an Unrepeated Message, and is delivered..."
".../o A Bell3 Every member company from Alger down complaining can get no reports from you W F Cody Note..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, April 10, 1896
"... In America.Cable Service To All The World.This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting..."
"... be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company..."
"... the claim is not presented in writing within thirty days after the message is filed with the Company..."
"... Hotel2 Company wants to know whats been done and if construction is going on. Will you inform us..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Clarence W. Rowley, July 25, 1913
"... States Printing and Lithograph company was a step taken as much in the interests of Buffalo Bill..."
"... as it was in the interests of the printing and lithographic company, according to a statement made in Denver today by Adolph..."
"... Marks of Chicago, general counsel of the United States Printing and Lithograph company at Cincinnati..."
"..., Ohio. "As general counsel for the United States Printing and Lithograph company," said Mr. Marks, "I..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, April 6, 1896
"... Form No. 168.The Western Union Telegraph Company.21,000 Offices In America.Cable Service to All..."
"... The World.This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have been..."
"... a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors..."
"... with the Company for transmission.This is an Unrepeated Message, and is delivered by request of the sender, under..."
Landreth, Burnet, 1842-1928
"... company of Philadelphia, was Chief of the Bureau of Agriculture at the United States Centennial Exhibition..."
Russell, Henry Sturgis
"... the Telephone Company of Brazil. In 1886 Russell was appointed President of the American Exhibition, held..."
Taylor, William Levi, 1857-1924
"... in Nebraska and later toured with Cody's stage company, The Buffalo Bill Combination, before the exhibition's..."
Buffalo Bill in "Movies"
"...The Colonel Wm. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) Historical Pictures Company..."
"...Essanay Film Manufacturing Company..."
"... is George K. Spoor of the Essanay Film Mfg. Co., a contract with the Essanay company for the producing..."
"... company now have some of their men at Cody, Wyo., and they will take pictures of Cody's home life, Prince..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, April 12, 1896
"... Form No. 44.Night Message.The Western Union Telegraph Company.21,000 Offices In America. Cable..."
"... Service To All The World.This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting its..."
"... only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold..."
"... the claim is not presented in writing within thirty days after the message is filed with the Company..."
The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Company
"...The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Company..."
"...Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company..."
"... The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company. Probably one of the most startling announcements..."
"... in the production of Western pictures, as the entire roster of their Wild West and Far East company will participate..."
Memories of Buffalo Bill
"...D. Appleton & Company..."
"... company, and a small number of my friends present. Then to our honeymoon—a boat trip up the Missouri River..."
Memoranda of Agreement with George K. Spoor
"... is the President of the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company and understands the motion picture business and commands..."
"...") Historical Pictures Company; the directors for the first year shall be V. R. Day, William F. Cody, George K..."
"... subscribe for sixty shares of the capital stock of said Company and pay into the treasury thereof six..."
".... Bonfils and H. H. Tammen shall jointly subscribe for sixty shares of the capital stock of said Company..."
Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1928, Lincoln Land Company
"...Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1928, Lincoln Land Company..."
".... Perkins, PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.(Address all Correspondence to the Company)Quotations..."
"... $2,009.27, being the Lincoln Land Company's 1/7 share of the same, and a like amount which is the 1/7 share..."
"... of the Estate of W. F. Cody. This Estate is indebted to the Lincoln Land Company and we have applied this share..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 14, 1896
"... on the irrigation project; his exact role is not known. Note 3: "Meade" is Elwood Mead. ..."
Curious Proceedings at the "Wild West"
"..., in fact, resorted to a "pow-wow," a ceremony known only to the tribes of the Sioux, Cheyennes, Shoshones..."
Opening of the Earl's Court Exhibition
"... is the kiosk of the Australian Irrigation Colonies. Samples of raisins and apricots, and other fruit raised..."
This is a Reproduction...
"...Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company..."
"... handled by the Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Company Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Co. care..."
Search of copyright for "The Adventures of Buffalo Bill"
"..., and no assignments have been found in the name of the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, claimant of copyright..."
"... assignment has been found in the name of the alleged assignee, W. F. Cody Historical Pictures Company..."
Business letter from W. W. Turner to Bronson Rumsey, July 25, 1913
"... to The Company)Charles E. Perkins, PresidentA. B. Minor, Vice-PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.F. N..."
"..., to be applied on the indebtedness of Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, account with the Lincoln Land Company. We wish..."
Business letter from W. W. Turner to Bronson Rumsey, April 1, 1913
"... To The Company)Charles E. Perkins, PresidentA. B. Minor, Vice-PresidentW. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.F. N..."
"... the different joint owners, amount due this Company, on property owned jointly, of which you are Trustee..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, January 27, 1896
"... The Postal Company's System Reaches All Important Points In The United States and British America..."
"... Company.Connection With The Commercial (MacKay-Bennett) Cables137TELEGRAMThis Company Transmits and Delivers messages..."