In Rochester
I have just returned from a big hunt. The Indians in this country are on the war path. And I have just accepted a. commission from the government as Chief of Scouts & Guide for the Expedition that is to be sent in to the Big horn country. The command will number nearly as many men as Gen Custers and be commanded by Col Mills we are going in to one of the worst Indian countrys on the plains. I expect to have a very nice time I will have command of forty scouts. You may look for
those Indian trophys if we have luck enough to capture an Indian Village. I will send those buffalo tongues from here tomorrow am very buisy kind regards to all Write me to, North Platte Neb
Buffalo Bill
Note: Year 1872 is written diagonally across upper left corner; not known if this was written by Cody or someone else. The year 1872 cannot be confirmed without further research; 1876, however, is a better fit with the letter content.