The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.
July 2nd 95 Dear George—
Alger was here when your wire came. You will meet Alger in Omaha. He has my route in full. get it. Say George. Mead was not paid neither was Van Dreveldt. And I donot know if any body was. do you? I have sent for Hymer to meet you gentlemen in Omaha. Make him show up receipts & step down and out of handling any money. let him work on commission Let Heckert take full charge of construction of mooveing dirt if you think best. Lets get to work no more non sense— I will arrange if possible to help you all I can— as soon as I can I will pay Meade at once—
Hastly BillLawrence Mass. 8
The Cotton States and International Exposition encyclopedia: The Cotton States and International Exposition took place in Atlanta, Georgia, from mid-September through December 1895. Held to showcase the world's cultural, agricultural, and manufacturing products and to promote civil liberties for women and African Americans, it would later become known as "the Atlanta Exposition." On September 18, Booker T. Washington gave a famous speech on race relations at the exhibition.
Lynn " 10

PS. I have just written Hymer— To see you take a Codak [3] . get views. get up maps of our Ditch and maps of the country Wyo state maps showin R.R. and proposed R.R. & location of Cody City. Springs [4] &c So reading matter &c So as to give it to Bleistein and he can send it on to his firm [5] & have a Jo Dandy Folder. gather up and then while I am at Atlanta Exposition I can with Burke do a world of advertising. I will make that the most talked of place in America. Do you catch on? We must now push things we must get there. You sleep just 4 hours a day no more till this a success.
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Lowell, Massachusetts, July 1-2, 1895. [back]
Note 2: Cody's projected dates for performances of Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Lawrence and Lynn, Massachusetts, were slightly off: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Lawrence on July 6 and in Lynn on July 11. [back]
Note 3: Kodak photograph. [back]
Note 4: DeMaris Springs is a warm sulphur springs near Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 5: Courier Printing Company, Buffalo, New York, was owned by George Bleistein. [back]