Title: The Wild West Show Abroad | Mr. Gladstone Greatly Pleased with the Performance
Periodical: New York Times
Date: April 29, 1887
LONDON, April 28.--Mr. Gladstone and his wife [1] to-day paid a visit to the camp of the Wild West Show. A special performance was given for their entertainment, and they were much impressed by the aborigines. Mr. Gladstone sat and looked on with all the evidence of childlike delight. After the performance was over he was introduced to Red Shirt, one of the Indians. Mr. Gladstone spoke to him at length, and asked him whether he noticed any difference between the English and Americans, or if he regarded them as brothers. Red Shirt replied that he "didn't notice much about the brotherhood." Mr. Gladstone was subsequently entertained at lunch. Col. Russell, of Boston, [2] presided. Mr. Gladstone, replying to a toast to his health, said, among other things:
"The institutions and progress of the United States have always been subjects of great interest to me--ever since, very many years ago, I studied the life of Washington. I became then aware, first, of the magnitude of the destiny reserved for Americans, and second, of the fact that the period of the birth of the American State was of more interest than any other it was possible to study. Whenever a youth desirous of studying political life consults me respecting a course of study in the field of history, I always refer him to the early history of America. God Almighty made Englishmen and Americans kinsmen, and they ought to have affections for one another. If they had not, humanity would cry shame upon them. I rejoice that the clouds which once obscured our mutual vision have almost vanished from our political sky and that the future is as bright and promising as the warmest-hearted among us could desire."
Col. Hughes-Hallett, member of Parliament, will entertain Mr. William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill") at dinner to-morrow.
Note 1: Catherine Glynne Gladstone (1812-1900). [back]
Note 2: Henry Sturgis Russell (1838-1905), a Civil War general who became president of the American Exhibition. [back]
Title: The Wild West Show Abroad | Mr. Gladstone Greatly Pleased with the Performance
Periodical: New York Times
Date: April 29, 1887
Topics: Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain
Keyword: Buffalo Bill's Wild West Company
People: Gladstone, Catherine Glynne, 1812-1900 Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898 Hughes-Hallett, Francis 1838-1903 Red Shirt, 1845?-1925 Russell, Henry Sturgis Washington, George, 1732-1799
Place: London (England)
Sponsor: This project is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Geraldine W. & Robert J. Dellenback Foundation.
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