Our William in Germany.
STUTTGART, Oct. 14.—[New York Herald Cable—Special to THE BEE.]—Buffalo Bill's Wild West show boom in Germany still continues. All Stuttgart mace a fete of the opening here today, [1] which was attended by the court and many thousand of Wurtembergers, all of whom were delighted with the performance. Genial Major John M. Burko tells the Herald correspondent that the management have punished one Indian by cutting down his rations to three pounds of meet a day and deprived him of ice cream and pudding for months. He was caught translating Tolstoi's Kreutzer Sonata to a squaw. This will probable be cabled to America as an in-instance of the hardships the noble red men are subjected to in Europe.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Stuttgart, Germany, October 14-19, 1890. [back]